Articles about tips is obviously an article that gives the reader tips on a specific subject, for example, how to lose weight or how to make money online. The tips might be numbered, or laid out with projectiles, and the title ought to incorporate the quantity of tips that will be secured, for example, 20 top tips to help you lose weight at this point. Articles about stories are precisely what it says. It is utilized to recount a story that is not really the author's individual experience. The story might be valid or it might be fiction, yet it will quite often be about another person. The tip is to keep the reader perusing. Articles about personal experiences will be about you and an affair that you have had that identifies with your niche somehow. For example, 'How I Lost 50 Pounds of Weight' would in all likelihood be a personal experience article. Articles about facts is essentially an article that educates, uses demonstrated facts for the subje...